Category Archives: Research Topic

PhD Projects in Image processing – A guide for developing research problem

It is not that we use technology. We live technology!

The process of analysing and manipulating an image to improve its quality is called image processing. Thef image input is processed through a processed signal, and the output may be an image that has better quality. Image processing is rapidly growing with its technologies, and the field of study is opening broader prospects for the researchers to study in Computer Science. The area explores core research areas within engineering and computer science discipline too. 

There are two types of method for image processing :

  • Digital image processing
  • Analogue image processing

The image processing involves three steps where the first one is of importing the image, the second is to analyse and manipulate it, and the third is the output of the manipulation where the report is altered as per the processed image. Digital techniques are pre-processing, image and display enhancement, and information extraction. 

Due to the growth in the field of image processing, it is a broad field for the research scholars to explore. However, the problem is to develop a problem for the research first. To establish a research problem, the researcher has to analyse the research area first. Without a broad area in mind to study, the research will only be struggling with the field topic. The scholar can go nowhere with ‘image processing’ in his brain. He has to develop a broad area of the field. 

There are multiple areas in the field to explore, for example, image segmentation, Medical classification and detection, Image Enhancement. While looking at the numerous areas in the field to explore, the exposure is huge in medical classification and detection. The researcher has to use the correct algorithm to come to a research area to examine. Also, a significant research problem could be medical image compression. 

After coming to a final area of the field to explore, analyse on various techniques and algorithm to conduct the research. A researcher has to have a broad idea of all the steps of researching before even conducting it, because what if the research gets stuck in the middle of the process? Thence, analyse all the areas of your consideration to be confident of your decision. Evaluate the results obtained by previous scholars and the drawbacks of their researches. Haven’t we all heard, somebody’s weakness could be another’s strength? Make use of those drawbacks to bring them out as the research problem of your research. 

Once you identify the multiple problems in those researches, you think of how your research will make a difference in the field and how you will conduct the research to prove your hypothesis. Formulate the solution and a way to solve it with a novel approach. Tah Dah! Your research problem is developed for you to conduct the research. 

PhD research topics in vlsi design – Important points to take into consideration

The process of creating an integrated circuit by combining a wide range of transistors into a single microchip for the better performance of complex and communicational transistors. The primary example of a VLSI device is a microprocessor. With the scope of VLSI in the technical field, a researcher has a lot to explore and fill the gaps in its existing literature. While doing research, every scholar has to keep in consideration a few points while deciding the topic for the research; similarly whether technical or theoretical, your research-oriented topic should be chosen with a few points in mind: 

  • Analyse the recent trends in VLSI design process.

A researcher will not benefit from prior studies as much as the recent trends will benefit them. With the current trends, the researcher will be aware of the contemporary as well as the previous researches and literature. Analysing the topic by recent trends will help the scholar find the result through the people of this age, who will understand the topic and the essence of it. 

  • Formulate a research objective by considering the existing problems in the literature of the field. 

The research objective will help the researcher develop the scope of the research, which is to be conducted. Considering the problems in the existing literature will help fill the void in the literature by finding the gap and filling it through the research. With the objective, the scholar will know what he has to find in the research and will provide the hypothesis according to it. 

  • Formulate a topic concerning the objective and finalise the technique to realise the objective.

After the formulation of the topic, the PhD candidate should jump on to the next thing of considering to make a topic out of it. When the researcher knows the aim and objective of the research, formulating a research topic will be easy for him as he will know what is the topic to be understood. However, the researcher should make sure that there is enough literature to study on the topic. Neither the literature should be broad nor should it be narrow for the researcher to struggle with it. 

  • Employ/design novel algorithms or techniques that can realise the objective and overcome the identified drawbacks. 

The PhD scholar should design or employ novel and unique algorithms or techniques to overcome the identified drawbacks of literature and achieve the formulated objective. Algorithms like, genetic algorithm and local minimisation algorithm should be used to fill the gap in the literature. 

  • How is this research going to benefit?

Considering the scope of the research will help you attain filling the gap in the existing study, but the researcher must be confident about how this research is going to benefit the academic strata. The research should be of utmost advantage to the people of the field for them to carry forward research out of it or use the benefit of the findings in their research. 

Considering a few points while determining the PhD research topic in VLSI design will help the research a great deal to be confident about the research he is going to conduct. While there are a number of other things to consider while choosing, begin with these to go forth.

PhD Project on the Internet of Things (IoT) – How to start and work on this research

Just as the name suggests, the Internet of Things is a connectivity of the physical things to the internet and to other connected devices. The ‘thing’ can relatively be anything, from a pen to microwave; from some electrical device to everyday physical objects. The IoT allow objects to be sensed through sensors and be remotely accessible from any corner of the globe. Embedded with technology, these devices can be a part of the internet to communicate and interact over there, while being controlled and monitored remotely from another part of the world. The objects are used to transmit data, using the best possible network to connect them. Howsoever, nowadays, most people prefer the wireless technology to connect to the other device. When the ‘thing’ is augmented with the sensor, the technology becomes smarter with the access of internet in it. 

A survey says that by the year 2030, the world will have more things of the internet, with people relying on the technology. Ever since the technology has taken over the world, it has only been growing and getting powerful among the people. The applications and devices to get connected to the internet are extensive and have multiple categories. 

How does it work? 

Internet of Things connects the devices and objects through the inbuilt sensors in them, integrating the sharing of the data and information with the application in it. The Internet of Things pinpoint precisely the needed information for the person and works smartly as per it, ignoring the rest of the information, which is not useful to the device and the user. The information and the device can detect patterns, make recommendations and suggestions, and detect possible hurdles even before they occur. The sensors detect the patterns to make the necessary changes and communicate with other devices to know about the potential difficulties or changes in the plan. The information picked by the connected devices enables the user to make wise and smart decisions, based on the real-time information. 

The IoT provides the insights into a situation to avoid it and to keep the user satisfied with his schedule. 

How vast is the field?

With devices and systems being connected digitally, they can be controlled from anywhere in the world. As a result of the Internet of  Things, haven’t we seen the new sensory system in air conditioners being operated from another corner of the world? 

Internet of Things is a transformational force that can help companies and industries grow. The companies will improve their performance with the help of IoT in analytics and security. Aided by the interactional and transmission data, IoT will help people be aware of future mishaps to make informed and wise decisions.

How to start and work on this research?

The scope of Internet of Things is very extensive, and thus, numerous researches have been done on in the field. However, researchers are still working on the topic to know all about the future standard of living. But how should a researcher begin his research on a broad topic like this?  

  • Identify the concept and the platform for the research. 

The researcher has to narrow down his idea of researching in the field of IoT. Since any device or application can get connected to another through hardware, and get embedded through a computing system or internet, the researcher has to make a wise decision for it. If your research is about the smart city or smart homes, then the concepts related to the field of smart city or smart home has to be analysed clearly with the availability of the technique and product. The researcher has to examine broadly about the ease of collection of data. 

  • Choose a hardware 

The hardware selection for the Internet of Things deals with the sensors, actuators, etc. The hardware will be the mode of connection for the devices to exchange information. The hardware will help the researcher gain information and collect data through it.  

  • Select the network connection 

The network connection will help the researcher connect the devices and make a data transmission route. The network could be wireless or wired, making a routing process to transfer data from device A to device B. The network connection will make sure to provide the shortest and easiest route to the devices to transmit the data. 

While this is just the beginning process of the research, primary research can be carried out in designing the routing protocol and secure the transmitted data using encryption and algorithm for secured transmission of the data.

How to Elicit a Research Topic for Your PhD Thesis?

One of the most challenging parts of having your PhD may be the dissertation. After spending hours, weeks, as well as months about the different readings as well as assignments after, you have to publish a PhD proposal once and for all. For numerous students, writing a PhD proposal may be the most difficult part of writing, since it often requires several attempts to choose a feasible topic that is appropriate to their projects.

The more appalling fact is that most PhD students who start with their doctoral studies never received the Ph.D.  A wide variety of reasons is responsible for that; let us have a look at them below.

 If you are a PhD student in a University and have been assigned the task of creating a thesis as a cardinal part of your academic program then there are online professionals ready to offer you very good PhD topic selection help in Bangalore. Yet you must ask yourself a question before embarking on the task. The question to be asked is “whether you are really passionate about researching on your own?” Also, “are you sure about the research topic or have you finalized it already?”

In any case, whether you are sure about the research topic for your PhD or not, the following are some of the important points that will help you to choose an appropriate PhD research topic:

1) First of all, do your best to elicit the ideas for research. For example, if you are a Science student, then you should try to elicit ideas following a scientific approach to discover ideas that are attuned to your research. Make sure you make the best of your efforts before getting in touch with specific authorities and professionals for a broader discussion.   

2) Explore specific websites, books, articles, periodicals, etc. to become familiar with the up-to-the-minute trends and discoveries including the diverse popular research areas. That will help you to ensure whether you are thinking over the concurrent lines. This reading will provide you with an agreeable idea regarding the industry needs and the feasibility of the research. Lastly, the same with also render you with a subtle idea if you prospectively grab a job after you have completed your doctoral studies!!

3) If your PhD research topic is too challenging and you are not able to get hold of hard data or material to study, then your proposal may prove relatively more challenging! That is why it is wise to choose something ‘achievable’

 4) Here comes the high time to share your ideas with peers working in the same domain. And it is worth considering listening to them and following their advice.

 5) Finally, present the topic to your lecturer or advisor if you guess the same is worth researching! You should be aware that choosing the right lecturer or advisor substantially matters in carrying out the research and achieving the PhD in the long run.

6) Last but not least, be as flexible as possible! While conducting the research (both quantitative & qualitative one) changes in certain features may have to be made, as you advance. Agree to the facts and make obligatory changes, as you carry on, rather than experiencing a standstill at the forefront!

Why Thesis & Code?

If you are looking for excellent professional PhD topic selection help in Bangalore, then Thesis & Code is just the ticket for you! Thesis & Code will help you in choosing an appropriate topic and PhD thesis writing service. Please visit our website for complete information.

How to choose a research topic for phD

A doctoral candidate has to choose a topic out of the lotto begin with his research. The research is processed after the candidate chooses an interesting topic. Researching on a topic and writing a thesis on it is easier than choosing a topic to research. The candidate has to be farsighted to choose a topic and shall pick a topic that has a proper conclusion.

Out of thousands of topics, there is virtually no topic that is left untouched. The researcher should keep in mind that he has to choose a topic that is not researched too much or too little. A too much-researched topic will give a large number of matters for the candidate to study, whereas a too little researched topic will not give sufficient matter to study, and thus the matter in the paper would not be properly researched.

The first step to choose a topic is that it should be interesting. The candidate should pick up a topic that interests himself. There are great papers written in every field but the point is to find an interesting topic for themselves. While choosing a topic one must ask themselves that why
would a person read it. Why would he care to study it?

The candidate should be ready with the history of the selected topic to know what’s coming on his way. He should be well aware of the literature existing on the chosen topic.

The most important thing to keep in mind while choosing a topic is that the research should have closure. Proper closure is very important to the topic. The research should allude at an engaging issue for the readers to ponder on it, with a methodology to resolve the issue. The issue might not be unique and refreshing for the reader but the solution should be.